Friday, November 28, 2008

Lion Video clip

Today my daughter Madison (age 7) and I were online and saw this video clip about a lion;) It is sooooooooo sweet;) We both cried while watching, and I am not ususally the crying type, take a look. I hope the link works, it is so worth the few minutes to watch!!!!!! IF it doesn't work just cut and paste into your browser and it will show up;)

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Today is Thanksgiving..........................

As my family (some of it) gathers under my roof for a dinner, I wonder what am I thankful for?? My children told me and this is what they have come up with......... (I asked they answered;)

  • Brynna is thankful for her mom, dad, chicken (the turkey), and her house.
  • Madison is thankful for Baby R, her grandparents, her parents, and Brynna's "chicken". lol
  • Sierra is thankful for Baby R, her family, and the world.
  • Conor is thankful for his family and PS2. (typical for a 10 year old)
  • Tyler is thankful for skateboards, games, and hair straighteners;)

Still what am I thankful for? For my children, husband, my own family, good friends, and the health that MOST of us still have (especially my Great Aunt Edna, she is very important to me, even more so as I get older!), and I am thankful for the opportunity to take a break from the madness and have some of my family in my home. I am thankful for my Grandma Agnes and all of the SUPER Pumpkin pies she made just for me every year, because I LOVE them so, I LOVE that woman even more;)

Happy the family members who cannot be here today. AND I PRAY that Baby R is in our home for the next Thanksgiving.....................hoping by Christmas THIS year!!

Today we give Thanks and TOMORROW I get back to fighting for Baby R! Even though he is not here, he is NEVER far from our thoughts.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Letter to Governor of California

October 24, 2008

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814

Re: Relative placement of Baby R

I have written to you previously concerning my nephew Baby R who is in the foster care system. The letter was dated October 19, 2008 so you may not have had a chance to review it. Today I am writing to you to request to meet with you or your staff concerning this matter.

Time is running out for my nephew who is only two years-old. His parents have both been denied their RIGHT to sign designated relinquishments to me {Family Code 8700 (f)}, by the State Adoptions Arcata District Office. Their rights will be terminated on December 5, 2008 and my nephew will be adopted out of our family UNLESS someone stops this travesty. I am the maternal aunt of Baby R and have requested placement of him since he was first taken into custody of the Del Norte CPS. I have been approved for relative placement twice and have since been approved by, State Adoptions Fresno District Office, for adoption of Baby R. The Arcata Branch refused to study me or even give me an application, which is a violation of my rights.

My nephew lived the first 9 months of his life with my family, here in Fresno County. I want my nephew to come home, but the very agency that is suppose to protect him, is holding him hostage. Family is CLEARLY to have preference when it comes to the placement of a child {Family code 361.3 (a) } and yet I am being pushed aside.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from your office.