Monday, January 19, 2009

Letter to the foster parents in OUR case!!!

To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right. -Confucius

My purpose for writing this is not to paint foster parents as villains. In most cases they are the opposite. Foster parents our very important and should be looked at with high regards and respect by society.

They are there to provide temporary love, support and a family like atmosphere when children are taking away from their biological parents. And at times, the best place for the child to remain permanetly if reunification does not take place with their biological parents should be with the foster parents through legal adoption.

But foster parents should not fight the child’s family when the family has jumped through every hoop required by the State for proper placement especially when the State Adoptions itself recommend the placement with family.

If I may address the “foster parents” of my nephew:
First I would say thank you, thank you for having a heart for children. Being a “foster parent” is a difficult job to say the least. But my thank you ceases there. I find it terribly difficult to praise “foster parents” who would fight a very loving, very qualified and very dedicated family for the return of our beloved family member. Our nephew is very much missed by eight aunts and uncles, ten cousins, two siblings and numerous extended family members. All who did nothing to deserve for him to be taken from us.

We have been there for him since before birth. We anxiously awaited his arrival and were ecstatic to see him take his first breath of this earth. When CPS took him from his biological parents we ALL stepped up and made it very clear we are his family and we want him to be returned to us. You were aware that we have always been here, you met us, we sent pictures of him and his cousins. We provided clothes, toys, valuable family medical information, prayers, support, love and never ending desire to have him remain in the family God blessed him with.

And yet, for your own selfish reasons you did not do what “foster parents” are inteneded to do. You did not promote reunification; you did not care more for this child and his immeasurable love from his family. You cared only for yourselves. You were given proof the State Cleared and even recommends permanent placement to be given to his maternal aunt and uncle and still you fought. You attended court date after court dates where you first handed saw his family love and dedication to him and still you fought. You were aware of his biological parents’ wishes and signed designated relinquishment for him to be placed with his maternal aunt and uncle and still you fought.

This fight by you cannot be seen as heroic or you are doing this for the best interest for the child. It could only be seen as organized kidnapping. You should be seen for the villains you are, not heroic “foster parents” it’s quit unreasonable for the foster parents to fight this child you claim to love family and create this acrimonious atmosphere between yourselves and this child’s biological family. This is not a child who has no suitable family to provide permanency for him.

If that were the case then you should be commended to want to provide a loving home and family for a child where there isn’t one. But this has never been the case. You should be ashamed for doing everything in your power to attempt to take a very much loved and wanted member from a family.

All I am left to say is if you are successful, if the Judge determines our nephew is to remain with you, this will come back to bite you, regardless of the outcome. This child will be an adult longer than he is a child, he will learn the truth, and he will be shown the sacrifices happily made by his biological family to keep him with us. And he will see how you kidnapped him. His family will not be erased, his DNA will not be changed and his forever bond with our family will not be stolen forever.

Our family’s hearts are right, we love Baby R. and we want him to remain where God intended for him to be, with our family, with HIS family.

You do not have to be a parent to shudder at the word kidnapping nor do you have to be a parent to feel the pain of the loss of a child. All you need is to have a relationship with a child to know the forever ache of the mere thought of them to be taken from you. I am a parent, a proud mother of two.

I am currently experiencing and grieving a kidnapping in my family today but not of my own biological children a kidnapping of my blood related nephew. This kidnapping did not initiate the Amber Alert, the police are not searching for a criminal, and there will be no court date to see the person responsible for taking my nephew be found guilty. This story may sound like a bad Lifetime movie plot but this unfortunately is my reality, but the kidnappers in my Lifetime story are hidden and protected under the guise of “foster parent.”

My nephew was taking from his biological parents and placed into foster care in November 2007. Since that date, my sister and I have made it very clear that we love our nephew and both sought to have him placed with us. Child Protective Services (CPS) prolonged the case and placed our nephew with a foster family that have already adopted a number of foster children.

My sister was cleared by California State Adoptions for permanent placement of our two year old nephew; she and her husband were also named as defacto parent. The foster parents knew our families request and intent to have our nephew remain in our family and they not only fought us but hired their own attorney. The foster parents frustrated visitation with our family, and they unsuccessfully attempted to get a restraining order on our nephew’s biological mother. Moreover, they have done everything in there power to keep the extended biological family out of his life.

My sister and I have entered into an unbridled war with the foster parents for our nephew to remain with his biological family. His biological parents signed a legal designated relinquishment to severe there rights of their son to be specifically placed with his maternal aunt and uncle. The foster parents still would not cease in there efforts to thwart his reunification with his biological family.
Today, the only thing standing in his way of being returned to his biological loving and highly committed family is the foster parents desire to adopt him. California State Adoptions has done a complete investigation of the maternal aunt and uncle and highly recommends permanent placement and adoption by the maternal aunt and uncle. These are not foster parents who desire to help a child who does not have love or family ties; these are foster parents who out of there own selfish wishes are fighting to keep him.

This situation is not one where family did not make there presence and wishes for the child known to the child’s foster parents until the eleventh hour. The foster parents knew our families intent the entire time, and they still selfishly sought the child. These specific foster parents should be ashamed of their lack of compassion and there intent to keep this child from his natural biological family. This act by the foster parents is not praiseworthy and should not be commended; it is without a doubt malicious. They are attempting to take this child from his family who has done nothing but show love, support and the desire to have him remain in their family. The foster parents are trying to adopt a child that should not be adopted as he has a very supportive and State Approved natural family that wants him.

In the next few weeks the fate of my nephew will be decided by a Crescent City Judge. Our two year old nephew will either be permitted to be adopted as requested by his biological parents and as recommended by California State Adoptions by his maternal aunt and uncle. Or he will be left with his foster parents to be adopted. Unfortunately if the latter is to happen this case will not end there, there will be an appeal filed by our family immediately.

Baby R.’s proud Maternal Aunt Lisa and Uncle Steve Turner

Friday, January 16, 2009

Did you know?????????????

Did you know that..........................?

D.W. was the CASA worker for at least two of the previously adopted siblings of Baby R's? (since she had so much previous experience with THIS family before, isn't that a conflict of interest to be the SW?)
S.W. told L.T. (maternal aunt) that "she would do anything and everything to get that baby away from Melissa", via phone BEFORE Baby R was taken into custody by CPS?
J.C. LIED in court to the judge's FACE about a summary written by R. of R.V.? dated 10-16-08
D.W. LIED in court about dates and DAYS (stated it was the day AFTER) my overnight visit and it was over a WEEK later, when she drew her own conclusions to take away my overnights?
Melissa's HIPAA rights were violated, proof was given on 10-16-08, see transcripts, when S.A. stated PROTECTED information about the EXACT number of drug tests and their results in court? AND WHO shared this information with her?? CPS? The Foster parents? BOTH? ONLY CPS could have gotten the information!
The Psychologist report had MANY errors and misquotes, so many that the validity of the report itself is in question. (The report is confidential otherwise I would post more.)
D. L. (SW in July 08) stated that S.A. had NOT had ANY contact with Baby R to her knowledge, BUT come to find out she had (or had lied about it)? (see transcripts 10-16-08)
Sutie Wheeler, State Adoptions A., DENIED K.F. an application for an adoptive home study via phone? Then she wouldn't give a written request for Fresno to do the home study, as is customary?
A. State Adoptions, T.B. & S. W. DENIED BOTH biological parents SINCE AUGUST (at least) their rights per 8700(f) to sign designated relinquishments? (see court transcripts for the MANY times of them stating that they wanted to do so, and they BOTH wanted their SON placed with ME!)
T. B. stated in front of: K.F. & L.T. on 10-15-08, before court, AND also in front of L.T., M.T., and R. S. that "SHE (State Adoptions) made a mistake by placing F.A. (previously adopted sibling to Baby R) with S.A.!!!!!!?
T. B. also asked L.T., witnessed by K.F. if there was any way that S.A. would ever agree to place F. A. with her? (10-15-08 before court in CPS visiting room)
CPS, K.D. (foster parent), and State Adoptions (A.) claimed how "fragile" Baby R was both medically and mentally in court, but the R.V. summary stated that there were "NO services needed", meaning no therapy. AND his medical conditions are ALL very minor!? (IN fact, he started seeing his current therapist on 10-7-08, which is odd, since our placement hearing was on 10-15-08)

All of the above IS TRUE AND CORRECT, under penalty of perjury..................we are MORE than willing to take lie detector tests to confirm the validity of these statements!


Please be patient........and forgiving. As I translate my original documents and letters to more appropriate forms; to protect the juveniles in this case, I am TRYING to keep errors and omissions down to a minimum. I did say TRYING;)
Thanks for understanding;0

As my Freedom of Speech allows I will keep my family and friends updated with my beloved nephew and our FIGHT to bring HIM HOME!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

December 31, 2008 Complaint letter.........

Below is a copy of my newest letter of complaint. As I send them out to ALL previous recipients AND more, I can only hope to draw more attention to the HUGE injustice that is happening. I will try to update the contact list as I have time. It seems that the system would love nothing more than for me to disappear, but I simply cannot, for my nephew's sake. Also in the works: a book, (speaking to published authors NOW:),we even have a volunteer to edit our manuscript, charity for relatives in the CPS system,and there is imagination and writing skills should be able to serve this cause. The longer this takes, the more damage that is done to my nephew, the more OUR entire family suffers, the more DETERMINED I get.


Our mission is to BRING OUR NEPHEW HOME, CHANGE legislation, and STOP the individuals & agencies that obstruct justice!

December 31, 2008

Re: Denial of Kinship Care and Adoption

The reason for this letter is to formally complain about Del Norte County's denial of my kinship care rights. I am the maternal aunt to a beautiful and sweet 2 year old little boy, named Baby R J. P. Sinnott. He is funny, smart, and very loving. If you saw us together in public, you would assume he was my son, not just because of our very similar features and coloring but also of our comfortable and loving relationship. The reason I tell you of Baby R's sunny disposition is because of how very much he has overcome in his short little life.

When my sister Melissa Thornton was just 29 weeks pregnant with him, they were in a fatal car accident, where 2 people did not survive. Melissa while still pregnant with Baby R, was then airlifted to Redding, CA for surgery and medical care. After both her broken leg and arm were repaired by the surgeon, little unborn Baby R was stable but a heart anomaly was found. I live in Fresno County and drove to Redding and transported Melissa to my town, so that I could help care for her and Baby R. Baby R was born June 7, 2006 only weighing 4 pounds 11 ounces but was the cutest preemie our family ever laid their eyes on. His heart condition was serious but with delivery and 7 days in the NICU, he was stable enough to come home, along with his mother. He lived as part of our immediate family, in my home, for the first 9 months of his life. My husband, five children, and myself were devastated with Baby R's absence from our daily lives.

My sister moved with Baby R to Del Norte County, where her other children reside. On November 23, 2007 Baby R was taken into the custody of Del Norte CPS and put into a foster home. On December 10, 2007 I sent a formal request for placement of Baby R into my home for both temporary and permanent basis, as a follow up to a phone request made to Susan Wilson, of CPS. I have repeatedly asked for placement, sent cards, photos, clothing, toys, letters, etc. for Baby R. I began the relative placement approval process and was approved 5-5-08, by Del Norte.

While maintaining contact with the department, I was given very little information about the process and how to navigate through the system as a relative. I have driven the 12 hours to visit my nephew on several occasions, attended court, hired an attorney, and "fought" to have an adoptive home study. (State Adoptions in Arcata has had a hand in the problems that we are experiencing also. Their denial of a home study and of both parents REPEATED request to sign designated relinquishments, for months, is it's own problem to be dealt with.) My home study was approved, by State Adoptions Fresno District Office on October 3, 2008. I had 14 glowing references delivered to State Adoptions.

My nephew has been victim to severe bite marks on at least 3 occasions and CPS refused to move him even at the biological parents' request. I have witnessed perjury with my own eyes in court by CPS workers and have been denied "many" requests to keep up my biological relationship with my nephew with digital photos, phone calls, audio recordings of me reading to him, participation in therapy with him, overnights, and above all placement. Baby R has three older half-sisters that have been previously adopted. The two oldest J. and K. were adopted by their paternal grandparents. The youngest of the three was adopted by the maternal grandmother. I am the only one who has facilitated any kind of a relationship between the two older sisters and Baby R since his detainment. Neither the foster mom or CPS has facilitated any visits.

Now even as the named prospective adoptive parents, by State Adoptions, my husband and I have not received placement of my nephew. The foster parents have adopted before and are intent to add my nephew to their collection of children. Environmental Alternatives Adoption Agency, Del Norte CPS, and State Adoptions, Arcata District Office have had an agenda from the beginning; regulations and family codes have not been followed and now a biological relative may be lost forever.

My story is long and my plea very urgent, I am requesting your aid in bringing my nephew home to the first home he has ever known. I am a more than willing, ready, and able relative who has asked from the beginning for his placement. Not only does my immediate family lose out on a close relationship with Baby R if we are denied adopting him, but his two older sisters, his 10 cousins, several aunts and uncles, many-many extended family members to include a great-great aunt, as well as a supervised relationship with his biological parents. (The foster parents even TRIED to get a restraining order against the biological mother.)

Time is of the essence and a little boy is waiting to be brought home. As Martin Luther King Jr., so eloquently put it, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere". IF relatives who have been able to do what we have, are as qualified as we are, and have fought this long, I shudder to think how MANY relatives will or have been lost to the average family.

I would appreciate a response at your earliest convenience, the next placement hearing is February 4, 2009 in Del Norte. (Documents in support of the above, may be delineated upon request.)


Kimberly Fraser

cc: CA Foster Parent Ombudsman, Cynthia McDowell (877) 846-1062
Robert Cochran, Attorney at Law (707) 464-3178