Monday, November 29, 2010

Please forgive the below if it is a repeat of anything but these are the typical questions I ask everyone. Some people just aren't aware of what they can do to help themselves yet. You would think we could TRUST CPS and our court system....

1. Where does the child's attorney stand on this? Do they even KNOW you exist? Our nephew's attorney did NOT know I had been involved until I hired an attorney myself;(
2. Have you EVER had custody or has the child EVER lived in your home with you? Can you file for de facto status with the court?
3. Does the child have a CASA worker? Another set of eyes could help you.
4. Have you filed a State Grievance with CPS? People RARELY win but trust me they get reprimanded behind the scenes.
5. Ask for a complete file FOIA from everywhere you can, CPS, State Adoptions, etc. there are forms to fill and send via certified mail. (This puts them on alert as well so be careful.)Be informed about what they have.
6. Get your government involved.......start at the bottom and go ALL the way up to Obama and Mrs. Obama. (Hillary Clinton was KEY in helping return the Brazilian boy back to his father just recently.)
7. Write the media.......remove juvenile names and replace with initials. I am talking the GREATS Oprah, Dr. Phil, America's Most Wanted, 20/ your local media. Glenn Slacks is another good one.
8. Start a petition get friends, family members, neighbors, and pass it around........summarize your story to a page and get some signatures. (this also gets the word out, not everyone knows this happens)
9. Watch foster family blogs and discussion boards. Seriously foster parents can be great, but some are devious and JUST want a child and they tell EACH OTHER how to KEEP kids from their family. Babycenter has one and I know there are tons more out there. Join and ask questions too, CAREFULLY as many are watching. I have a blog and the link is below. I have been asked in court about me they watch it;) Writing a book too.......
10. has much information along with links to other sites. Join the discussion board and ask questions. READ and research there IS someone out there that has been through this.
11. Legal help, ask for it from adoption attorneys. I hate to say it but adoption is where the final cut is made. IF you can bypass those pitfalls then do it! 8700(f) a designated relinquishment from the birthparents may seem radical now but trust me if it gets that will need it to fight. Our appeal was won in CA a link is below. READ the appeals that may help you at .........more reading but do it! You need the case law behind you.
12. Document everything, phone calls, visits, letters, everything! Keep a case log going!
13. Network with others in this situation, FB, Myspace, Twitter........information is out there; go get it!
14. Ask for visits, phone visits, send packages, letters, cards to the child on a regular schedule.
15. Get foster parent AND adoptive parent certification. Take the classes required by your county and state. Have the home study and get approved. Do it on your own if you have to. State Adoptions is where we do that here in CA. Be ready to bring that child home. Get CPR certified. Line up child care if you will need it, child proof your home, get fire extinguishers, have an escape plan for a fire, lock up your medications........follow all licensing rules.
16. Pam Roach has a blog read what is going on there and contact her.
17. Find and learn the family laws for your state along with Welfare Codes. If you ask for them CPS has to give you a book but it takes a LONG time so I have heard. I found mine online. ;)

All of the above is just a start. If you are doing all of it then KEEP it up;)
Please contact me with any questions. I am a busy mother to 5 children, married, and a human being. THAT said, I understand what it feels like to do everything right and still have my nephew in an adoptive home. It hurts. I will do what I can to help or at least try.

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