Tuesday, March 3, 2009

YOU have the right to have a state administrative hearing.

You have a right to a state fair hearing and/or a CSOB complaint concerning Child Protective Services (CPS) / Dept. of Children and Family Services (DCFS)

Title 45 Code of Federal Regulations Section 205.10 and/or 205.100, California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 22, section 22-003 gives you that right.
If you feel you have not been treated fairly by CPS/DCFS social workers and their agencies, you may file for a state fair hearing. All inquiries are submitted to:
California Dept. of Social Services
Public Inquiry Response MS 16-23
P.O. Box 944243
Sacramento, CA 94244-2430

Or CSOB to

Rita Saenz, Director of CDSS
744 P Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

In approximately 10 days, the CDSS must send you a confirmation of their receipt of your hearing request.
Within 30 days CDSS must respond to your CSOB complaint.
Within 30 days upon receipt of this request, CDSS must notify you.
Two days prior to the State hearing, they must also notify you and your AR that the County’s agency’s “position statement” is ready and where to pick it up.
“What is a county position statement?” It is the county’s answer to your claim. When you pick up your position statement, you have the right to inspect your file. You may ask for copies of any paperwork in your file. If the county agency refuses to let you see your file, get the person’s name, note it so you can also claim this at the hearing.

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