Kimber Fraser
P.O. Box 923
Clovis, CA 93613
Re: Baby R.
Attached you will find several items concerning my nephew Baby R. He is my two-year-old nephew who has been in your County's custody since November 23, 2007. I am his maternal aunt and I have REPEATEDLY requested placement of him since December 10, 2007. I have had two relative placement approvals through your county and have an approved adoptive home study through State Adoptions.
After fighting for several months, I have finally been able to get the attention of the State Adoptions Supervisors, in Sacramento. I will be named as the prospective adoptive parent, along with my husband, at the .26 hearing. That hearing is tomorrow, Friday at 1 PM in your County Courthouse.
While this is very positive news and I am very elated to have come this far, it seems that I have allowed your County CPS Department to push me aside. I have been met with great criticism by your County CPS; for trying to get your County to place my nephew with a willing, able, and APPROVED relative. Your county has failed to follow state regulations and codes and has ignored my attempts to be recognized as a resource for both temporary and permanent placement of my nephew. I am aware that your County is going to try and advocate for the current foster parents' adoption of my nephew.
This is very unacceptable and am sure that you must be unaware of many things that have taken place. While my attention was focused on State Adoptions, your County has taken it upon themselves to ignore rules, regulations, and physical abuse. I personally have been witness to your CPS Supervisor Julie Cain perjuring herself in court on November 13, 2008 along with SW DeDe Ward at the very same hearing. As their Director, I am sure that you would want to know about these kinds of behaviors. Of course, there is written proof of this and I would love the opportunity to share it with you. Unfortunately, there are several other items that would definitely be of interest that your department has been party to.
The foster parents wish to adopt my nephew. I can understand their wanting to adopt a child. This child, Baby R, has a very large family who wants to bring him home. I am sure that you will find that I am very persistent and for a very good reason. I love my nephew as my own child and will not stop until he is home. Please feel free to contact any of the State Adoption Officials that are named in my complaint letter or on my adoptive home study.
I believe it is quite necessary for your presence in court tomorrow at 1 PM. I am sure you will find it very evident that I am in fact telling the truth. It is unfortunate that you did not return my call today, but I am sure that you must be busy. I look forward to speaking to you at your earliest convenience and I hope to see you in court. In fact, I would guess that each attorney involved in this case would be interested in exposing the corrupt behaviors of your department. It is very troublesome to witness such outlandish behaviors by your County CPS Dept.,especially when it is suppose to put the best interest of the child first, not personal agendas. I worry about all of the other children who have been harmed, as Baby R has been, by your department.
Kimber Fraser
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