Saturday, December 26, 2009

What will you do?

I follow quite a few blog sites; many of which are cancer related. I watched, cried, and PRAYED while a 6 year old triplet fought hard against cancer. The day he was healed in Heaven was very difficult for even me and there is NO WAY that I can say that I comprehend the magnitude of pain that they endured. I check back in with some of these families I have noticed something.
The way we speak of our "lost" loved ones is quite similar. Even though (THANKFULLY) my nephew is alive, he has still been TAKEN from his biological family.
I have endured a "battle" of my own in court (not the hospital) with an uncertainty and a fear of "loss".
Our family as a whole has had to mourn and HOPE at the same time for victory.
And now that the agencies involved have tried to position things in their favor (again), they have ignored any and all visitation requests. So he is physically absent from our lives too.
We speak of my nephew often, we purchase things he would enjoy, the kids draw him pictures and write him letters. He is deeply embedded into our family life.

Again, I don't mean to offend a survivor's family in any way. I am simply noticing a very parallel way of thinking about our "lost" nephew.
I am forever grateful for the fact that he is still alive. He sure is a miracle boy. But the fact is that he should have been here with his biological family since November 23, 2007 and NOWHERE near a foster home or a fost/adopt home. Simple as that. Both agencies involved are completely biased against family and have used their positions to keep my nephew there.

If I had not witnessed for myself their complete lack of ANY integrity, I would not have believed it. Seriously...........I would have chalked it up to an unfit family member who exaggerated and had some dark past of her own. Little did I know that our lovely State of California is NOT what I believed it to be. I was naive and ignorant of the horrific things done by CPS Workers and State Adoptions. Wow...........I was indeed wearing rose colored glasses, I thought we were better than that. That our government was better than that. AND when I alerted the upper management, I actually expected (eyes rolling here)them to STOP the offending workers and repair the damages. My belief was that once they were caught, their employers would take it seriously.

I sure was that little girl who believed in unicorns, wasn't I? We are no better than anyone else as far as corruption goes and boy do we ATTEMPT to cover everyone's bum instead of rectifying the wrongs. That saddens me beyond words. Is there anyone who has a moral bone in their body, who takes their job seriously enough to do the RIGHT thing?

I am a simple girl who believes in doing the right thing even when it isn't easy. My kids have been taught that. Why hasn't someone taught that to our County and State Agencies? Why doesn't someone hold them accountable? What about the courts?

Someone told me once not to take it "personally". I can't help it. That is MY blood nephew that they are messing with. Personally is the only way I can take it and shouldn't we ALL take it personally when agencies perjure themselves in court and more?

If we aren't part of the solution then we are part of the problem. I am unwilling to be part of the I chose to stand. What will you do?

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