Wednesday, April 1, 2009

more Updated timeline for nephew; Baby R

Timeline for Baby R. (I am currently compiling my MANY notes into this easy to follow timeline. ALL receipts, notes, and documents can be delineated upon request.)

November 2007
11-9-07 Spoke to Mike Henderson on phone concerning Baby R
11--07 Susan Wilson told Lisa Turner on the phone that "She would do anything to get that baby away from Melissa."
11-23-08 Baby R taken into custody by CPS (he was 17 months old)-moved from Santa Rosa area to Del Norte County

December 2007
EARLY December 2007 spoke with Susan Wilson via phone about intentions to have Baby R placed with me & he lived with me before (1st 9-10 months)
12-10-2007 wrote letter of intent to Social Services (kinship placement and adopt)& mailed
12-14-2007 overnighted to Social Services (w/confirmation)
12-21-2007 left message for Susan Wilson
12-21-2007 Susan Wilson called me back, gave me Cindy Salatnay's ext. 283, I asked about gift for Baby R, future visit (I asked if it was possible)
12-21-2007 left message for Cindy Salatnay
12-27-2007 mailed out Baby R's doctor and medical history, gifts
12-29-2007 left message for Cindy Salatnay about future visit & what requirements were

January 2008
1-2-2008 Deanna in Del Norte licensing- informed us of fingerprinting & home visit soon
1-23-08 Baby R moved to KD foster home (I was NOT told anything about it, and this is a fost/adopt home)
1-28-08 spoke to Amber Davis in Del Norte licensing about home evaluation
1-29-08 spoke to Amber Davis in Del Norte licensing- about getting home evaluation, gave her email address
1-29-08 received email from Amber Davis about home evaluation worker in our county
1-29-08 sent email to Amber Davis
1-31-08 left message for Lucy Tucker in Fresno County concerning home evaluation visit

February 2008
2-6-08 Patrick & I had our live scans completed in Fresno County
2-6-08 mailed out copies of live scan receipts & information to Cindy Salatnay in Del Norte
2-6-08 receive email from Amber Davis
2-6-08 sent email to Amber Davis
2-6-08 received email from Amber Davis
2-6-08 sent email to Amber Davis
2-7-08 received email from Amber Davis
2-7-08 received email from Amber Davis
2-14-08 spoke to Diane Emry in Fresno County, scheduled home evaluation for 25th @ 10AM- found out what criteria was for home
2-14-08 left message with Cindy Salatnay about date of home evaluation
2-24-08 spoke to Diane Emry in Fresno County, rescheduled home evaluation due to Brynna & Kim having Pneumonia
2-24-08 left message for Cindy Salatnay about rescheduling

March 2008
3-13-08 Diane Emry from Fresno County came for home evaluation
3-13-08 sent email that we FINALLY had home evaluation to Amber Davis
3-13-08 mailed Patrick Fraser's criminal record release to Del Norte (2nd)
3-17-08 received email from Amber Davis that she will let me know if we need anything else for home approval
3-08 Mary Young called is new licensing contact in Del Norte

April 2008

May 2008
5-5-08 Mary Young left message on home phone, our home was approved for relative placement!!
5-7-08 received letter stating our home approved for relative placement

June 2008
6-08 mailed Baby R his gifts, new photos, cards

July 2008
7-7-08 left message with Cindy Salatnay
7-8-08 left message for Cindy Salatnay
7-8-08 Cindy Salatnay called me, gave me new worker's extension Dorita Leno
7-8-08 left message for Dorita Leno
7-14-08 spoke to Dorita Leno, informed of court date (6 month review the first date EVER given to me, said I was going, asked if Baby R needed anything, sizes, asked for visits)
7-23-08 left for Del Norte, spoke to Dorita Leno, told was to meet Tedee Boylan from State Adoptions from Arcata
7-23-08 spoke to Dorita Leno, gave me KD (foster mother's) phone number
7-24-08 spoke to Dorita Leno gave better time of arrival estimate (while driving)
7-24-08 got to Del Norte, spoke to Dorita Leno, got directions
7-24-08 met Dorita Leno and Cindy Salatnay, had visit with Baby R during Melissa's visit, saw 4 bite marks on back, took photos on Lisa Turner's cell phone
7-24-08 had 1.5 hour long visit with Baby R while speaking with Dorita Leno, changed Baby R, played games, was told of Melissa's services being discontinued the next day at court, told of adoptions being forwarded my application and I was priority and Baby R would be placed in my home within 1-2 months by Dorita, witnessed by Lisa Turner, told to renew home evaluation by Fresno County (only lasted 60 days)
7-24-08 left message for Diane Emry in Fresno County concerning renewing home evaluation immediately (I was still in Del Norte)
7-24-08 met foster mom, KD, found out she was friends with our estranged mother and wanted to adopt Baby R, our mom was in support
7-25-08 had visit with Baby R during Melissa's visit, took him 3 shirts, gummy worms, happy meal, took photos, video
7-25-08 attended court with Melissa T., spoke with Dorita, Skudstad about guardianship & adoption Melissa approved; drove to Chris D. (attorney) office Melissa requested meeting for adoption papers (on Dorita's suggestion) (The D Foster Home should have only had placement of Baby R for 6 months and 2 days per Melissa Thornton's and Robert's request to Dorita L. & CPS)
7-25-08 saw estranged mom in court, I never spoke with her, had F for over an hour visit w/ Melissa & Lisa present, ate quick lunch while trying to get appt. w/ Chris D. and Skudstad for adoption, took photos, video (would have kept F longer but mom wanted us to come over to house (suspicious), met at Glen's bakery to exchange F and continue trying to get adoption / permanent guardianship papers completed)
7-25-08 began 12 hour drive home, stayed in hotel late that evening due to exhaustion
7-26-08 completed drive home

August 2008
8-1-08 Mailed and faxed letter to Julie Cain, CPS about the bites I saw on Baby R and concern for his safety, as mandated reporter & aunt. (I NEVER got any response about abuse report.)
8-5-08 attempted call to Gene Schach, Baby R's attorney, after court, not able to leave message, won't return until 8-13-08 (I believed Gene was Baby R's attorney)
8-5-08 Dorita L. called me in AM, gave her Sandy Davis's number Fresno County home evaluations (to get renewal relative placement)
8-5-08 left message for Sandy Davis, Fresno County home evaluations
8-5-08 called Dorita, after court, she told me that my information was forwarded to state adoptions
8-5-08 left message for Julie Cain
8-5-08 left message for Tedee Boylan at State Adoptions in Arcata
8-6-08 left message for Tedee Boylan
8-7-08 Tedee Boylan left message for me
8-7-08 left message for Tedee Boylan
8-7-08 Julie Cain returned my call, told her of bites on Baby R, let her know I still want Baby R placed with me, asked what else I could be doing
8-10-08 mailed Baby R a binder with drawings, letters, extra plastic sheets to be kept WITH him (each home), pair of shoes; size 6, snacks
8-11-08 mailed Baby R a card with copies of kids hands
retained Attorney Cochran in Crescent City (same one I spoke to EARLY in the case but he said I shouldn't waste my money)
spoke with Sutie Wheeler -denied me application, placement, mentioned my mother & previous experience with me, told me relative placement approval was null and void, that I needed adoption home study approval even for a designated relinquishment & I was to call Fresno District Office, she gave NO written request (Sutie W. was made VERY aware of both parents wanting designated relinquishments) she also asked WHY I needed an attorney
spoke to Fresno District Office Anna P. was informed that I would need written request to study my home from Arcata
spoke with Sutie Wheeler and blatantly asked for application and she denied me one, she told me that, "no she would not look into me or my home", despite my asking for a chance to prove myself, she said "she didn't feel comfortable wasting the state's resources even looking into my home if she did NOT plan on placing with me", reminded her that I would need written request to have Fresno DO study my home
8--08 received application for adoption from Fresno DO
8--08 Live Scan completed for Kimber, paid $84
8-08 Live Scan completed for Patrick, paid $84
8-25-08 turned in majority of adoption application to Fresno DO
called Sacramento Central Office for adoptions; spoke to Niccole Larkins & emailed
called Ombudsmen in Sacramento left information,told they would get back to me this week
8-28-08 had renewal of relative placement evaluation on home, approved pending stair gate installation, Lupita, recheck on 4th
8-29-08 called ombudsman & got case worker name & spoke to her, Cynthia McDowell, explained most of story

September 2008

9-4-08 Lupita rechecked gate, home passed for 2nd time relative placement approval renewed, emailed criminal statement back to Lupita (2nd time for that too)
9-4-08 met with Fresno DO State Adoptions, Anna P. in my home (here when Lupita rechecked gate too)
9-10-08 Kim began PRIDE classes at FCC- Sue S. helped set up classes for me (9 sessions each 2.5 hours =22.5 hours total plus homework)
9-11-08 left w/ Lisa for Del Norte, to see Baby R, attend court, 12 hour drive
9-12-08 visit with Baby R in Del Norte, in supervised room (Brynna's & K's birthdays we missed them due to court)
9-13-08 visit with Baby R in Del Norte, at Kidstown park, supervised by DeDe Ward; gave Baby R his packages that were received by Del Norte exactly 1 month prior & had NOT been given to him yet (shoes, binder, photos, letters, cards, snacks)
9-14-08 visit with Baby R in Del Norte, at Kidstown park, supervised by 2 CPS workers, I facilitated sibling visit w/ J & K; gave Baby R more photos of recent visits
9-12-08 attended court hearing in Del Norte
9-15-08 met with Sutie Wheeler. in Arcata, first face-to-face, Tedee Boylan out of office,
9-15-08 left from Del Norte for home, 12 hour drive w/ stop in Arcata for 1 hour, w/ Lisa Turner
9-16-08 Melissa Thornton and Robert met with Tedee Boylan of State Adoptions, to have 1st of stated 2 meetings to sign designated relinquishments; to The Frasers
9-17-08 PRIDE class 6:30 PM to 9 PM, 2nd session
9-24-08 PRIDE class 6:30 PM to 9 PM, 3rd session

October 2008

10-1-08 PRIDE class 6:30 PM to 9 PM, 4th session
10-3-08 Adoptive Home Study w/ State Adoptions Fresno DO, approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10-8-08 PRIDE class 6:30 PM to 9 PM, 5th session
10-14-08 left at 2AM with Lisa for Del Norte by car, 12 hour drive (4 hours of sleep)
10-14-08 arrived in Del Norte @ 2PM exhausted, had visit with Baby R, in small meeting room
10-15-08 had visit with Baby R in Del Norte, in supervised room
10-15-08 Melissa & Robert met with Tedee Boylan, 2nd mtg. to sign designated relinquishments to me per 8700 (f), she denied "knowing" that was why they were meeting (1st of 2 required meetings was on 9-16-08, this was a FULL 29 days later)
10-15-08 Kimberly Fraser met with Tedee Boylan first time, Lisa was present (mom; meds, F. w/ Lisa, mistake), in small meeting room at CPS
10-15-08 attended court hearing for placement of Baby R, w/ Tedee Boylan testimony cont'd, in Del Norte
10-16-08 attended court hearing for placement of Baby R, denied, in Del Norte
10-16-08 DeDe told me outside of court house about "first therapist Remi Vista said Baby R needed no services, he was fine" (Lisa present)
10-16-08 had first overnight visit with Baby R after asking while still in court, facilitated sibling visit with J & K, had Baby R call foster mom to say good night, my family each spoke to Baby R on the phone, bought him a sweatsuit, 2 beanies, 2 pr. gloves, pj's, pkg. socks, pkg. big boy underwear, Diego backpack toy, pkg. of pull-ups & Lisa bought him a Dora doll; saw B.H. at Wal-Mart
10-17-08 returned Baby R to CPS for visit with Melissa & Robert @ 10:15 AM, sent more photos with Baby R of visit, Baby R dropped off 2 dozen bakery cookies to front office staff at CPS (we picked out at breakfast; Glen's Bakery)
10-17-08 drove home with Lisa, 12 hours, got home around 2 AM Saturday
10-19-08 wrote new letter of complaint and sent out to state adoption heads and governor.........and.........ombudsman, attorney.........and...........(list to be updated continuously)
10-19-08 wrote DeDe Ward letter asking for phone contact weekly w/ Baby R (waiting for answer before calling), therapist diagnosis to aid in search for proper therapist here (since they want me to have 2 meetings with first), that Baby R be shown the photos of me and my family to ease transition, for foster family to put an album together of them to ease overnights and transition, for Baby R to listen to us reading the books regularly; sent information about EPU (Exceptional Parents Unlimited) services here in Fresno County
10--08 sent out request to meet with Governor, Senators
10-22-08 PRIDE class 6:30 PM to 9 PM, 7th session
10--09 filed for de facto parent status (Me & Patrick)
10--08 found out date for court via phone (11-07-08)
10--08 Melissa was served with restraining order papers in front of Baby R, during visit (court set for 11-07-08), Baby R had to be removed from visit he got upset
10--08 Mailed Baby R's Halloween Card, K.D.'s (fmom) thank you card w/ homemade laundry soap recipe, Baby R's now clean clothes & DeDe Ward Thank you letter for overnight visit (all inside of a pkg. mailed to CPS w/ tracking number)
10-29-08 PRIDE class 6:30 PM to 9 PM, 8th session

November 2008
11-3-08 spoke to Stacy F. (Central Adoptions) about new psych eval for Baby R & me too (?), waiting for written request, explanation, directions (was told it was a psych eval for all involved with Baby R, NOT a bonding assessment as I specifically asked that question)
11-4-08 Lisa called S.A. (mom) about F to see if we could have a sibling visit with Baby R and J & K (LM, has recording for proof)
11-08 Spoke to 2 different people concerning polygraphs, Fresno $500 1 question and Bakersfield $450 more questions ???
11-7-08 Court for Melissa (foster mom is petitioner) and Kimber (de facto) (Brynna sick- I stayed home with her)
11-7-08 Court granted de facto to the foster parents, set hearing date for Thurs. 13th @ 9 AM for me de facto (CPS & their attorney fighting it)
11-7-08 Called Del Norte CPS visiting, left message on voice mail for over nights w/ Baby R end of next week
11-7-08 Called John Wagner and Glenn Freitas and left messages, to call me for a meeting, as follow up to my letter dated Oct. 19th
11-9-08 Tedee Boylan has YET to make contact or answer any of Melissa Thornton's or Robert calls, emails, faxes, or letters requesting a third and FINAL meeting to sign designated relinquishments. (To date it has been 25 days since 2nd mtg. AND 54 days since 1st actual visit.) Proof that she is DENYING them their rights per 8700 (f).
11-12-08 begin 12 hour drive to Crescent City alone
11-17-08 (scheduled) Class for drug exposed children at FCC
11-20-08 (scheduled) class makeup #6, missed due to court
11-18-08 Phoebe Morison, MSW, Adoption Specialist from Arcata met with Melissa Thornton AND Sutie Wheeler, Supervisor from Arcata ;met with Robert (both at jail but not in same room) next appointment set for Tuesday @ Noon at Del Norte CPS (Melissa stopped by Cochran's office to show papers)
11-19-08 met @ UC Davis Dr. B. C. for assessment, saw Baby R briefly, Sacramento, CA (see my description)
11-20-08 spoke to Melissa about designated relinquishments
11-21-08 spoke to Anna P. about designated relinquishments and Sutie's appointments set with Melissa & Robert
11-25-08 noon, designated relinquishments signed by both biological parents in Del Norte
11-26-08 spoke to Stacy F. about designated relinquishments, and how Arcata mistreated Melissa & Robert during meeting
11-26-08 left message for Anna P. about relinquishments and Arcata's mistreatment of Melissa & Robert

December 2008
sent email to CPS Director Gary Blatnik
received phone call from Crystal M., CPS about Baby R- I am to send email with my complaint to her
12-5-08 .26 hearing (TPR) was continued to 12-19-08 foster parents hired an attorney, Mavris (same attorney mom used when I got restraining order against her)Also same attorney, Melissa said to have been on in her case prior-conflict??
12-10-08 received UC Davis evaluation report, .26 report, State Adoption report via fax from my attorney
12-10-08 began pointing out, in writing, corrections needed on UC Davis report; there are MANY
12-12-08 I called and left message with Visiting CPS for visits on 12-18, 19, 29-08
12-15-08 DeDe W. left message no weekend visits foster family out of town & gave me dates & times I was able to visit
12-18-08 my birthday, drove to Crescent City at 3 AM with sister, through snow, rain, winds gusts, and ice arrived at 2 PM
12-18-08 had visit with Baby R from 3:30 PM until 6 PM, he saw us through glass & screamed our names happily and ran to us!! -he saw K, his sister for a while
12-19-08 had visit with Baby R from 9 AM until noon, he again ran to me when he saw me picking him up in CPS
12-19-08 .26 hearing was held, both Bio parents were TPR'ed against State Adoptions order, I was AGAIN denied return of my overnights, next hearing was to be 1-22-09 but SW had prepaid Mexico tickets for that week, next hearing set for Feb. 4th, 2009, judge is allowing me to work with therapist and nephew as therapist sees is OK for Baby R, Sutie W. was not in court, A.G. was on the phone - silent but on the phone
12-19-08 I called and left message for therapist J.B., then saw her in person to request to be included in therapy; she said she would call me back after the holidays
12-19-08 left messages for both F. Sanchez and G. Freitas at State Adoptions
12-19-08 F. Sanchez called me back and was very gruff, saying the A.G. will be there in person on Feb. 4th
12-19-08 I let my attorney's secretary know about phone calls
12-19-08 5 PM started for home with sister, got to Rohnert Park, and had to pull over to rest at hotel
12-20-08 started again for home, got home in afternoon
12-22-08 received by mail, not certified, notice of my mother to file more papers against me in court over a lawsuit she started in 07, there is a OSC 2-27-09 in Fresno

January 2009
01-13-09 (Tues.) spoke with Jill Babbit, therapist for Baby R, she is unwilling to see me with Baby R. (see summary of phone conversation)
01-15-09 (Thurs.)received voicemail from Assembly member Villines (sp?) office; tried to return call but rep. was gone for day, will get back with her on Monday next week.
01-15-09 received voicemail from DeDe about letter dated 12-17-08 concerning my plans for a week long visit; she wanted to be sure I planned accordingly due to the change in court dates AND she said that Melissa had a visit 1-16-09 11:15 AM - 1:15 PM and that (FINALLY-I asked in OCTOBER!) I could have a phone visit with Baby R at 1:15PM
01-15-09 I LM for DeDe thanking her for the call and confirmed the phone visit for following date and time, gave her my # again
01-15-09 left message with Anna P., state adoptions voicemail and secretary
01-15-09 Anna P. left me a voicemail, Frank Sanchez is leaving dept. 1-22-09 is celebration for him, she let me know for contact reasons
01-15-09 left message with attorney's secretary about Jill Babbit's refusal and about phone visit with Baby R the next day
01-16-09 Melissa, Robert had visit with Baby R 11:15 AM to 1:15 PM at CPS (first for Robert for over a month, Melissa's last visit was over 2 weeks ago)
01-16-09 1:15 PM Sandy at CPS, visiting, called me with Baby R on her lap for a phone visit, he was so good;) He spoke to me for about 15 minutes total (cell phone records will confirm exact times) I thanked Sandy. He snorted for me like Aunt Lisa & told me "I Love you" and I told him the same;) (see summary)
01-28-09 scheduled visit between bioparents and Baby R at CPS (2 hrs. every 2 weeks)
01-28-09 I was unaware that it was today, Melissa let me know via phone, I called DeDe at CPS asked for a phone visit after the parents visit (11:15 AM) DeDe said that there may be a problem, Baby R "may still be out of the area for audiologist appt. and she will call me back." She called back and yes he was still out of area, she forgot to CANCEL parents' visit (they were BOTH sitting in the waiting room for Baby R) scheduled phone visit after next parental visit Monday noon to 2PM they will call me
01-28-09 assembly member representative left me another message

February 2009
02-3-09 left with my ENTIRE family in RV for Crescent City, CA
02-4-09 arrived at 7AM in Crescent City- had 30 minute power nap
02-4-09 court began, Sutie & Tedee make HUGE confessions-damage case, A.G. was present
02-4-09 had 2 hour visit with Baby R, my kids were in HEAVEN, it was great for all!
02-5-09 court
02-5-09 drove back home
02--09 emailed a summary of what Sutie & Tedee did in court to A.P. (State Adoptions)
02-6-09 arrived home in late AM, Pat went to work, kept my kids home from school (we were exhausted)
02-6-09 Melissa & Robert had lawyers put back on case, prepare for TPR appeal
02-10-09 court again (I was in Bakersfield another matter)
02-11-09 in court by phone, denied placement AGAIN, still in Bakersfield
02-11-09 was told that fosterdad took Baby R to a specialist appt. (no details)
02-12-09 drove home
02-17-09 FOIA requests sent via certified mail to State Adoptions & Del Norte CPS
02-18-09 I called CPS for phone visit, told no visit that day?, asked for all future phone visits w/ Sandy in visiting, then LM on DeDe's voicemail for the same
02-18-09 Melissa text me about the visit, she had been in waiting room at CPS, waiting for Baby R and THEN was told that Baby R would not be there, no explanation given! (This is at least the 3rd time in little over a month!)
02-19-09 spoke w/ Anna P. about normal visit routine for PAP, etc.
02-19-09 spoke w/
02-19-09 spoke w/ attorney- got great news!
02-24-09 still no word from CPS/DeDe Ward about phone visits, LM 2-18-09

March 2009
03-02-09 sent via certified mail, HIPAA violation complaints for BOTH S.W. and T.B.
03-02-09 message about an appellate attorney
03-02-09 STILL no word on FOIA request from either agency, and no word from CPS about phone visits
03--09 Baby R's attorney filed an appeal on his behalf (concerning placement)
03-03-09 spoke with appellate attorney, my attorney, State Adoptions P.R. assemblymember's office contacted them on my behalf;)
03-04-09 scheduled visit between Baby R and bio parents 11:15-1:15PM
03-04-09 spoke with Baby R via phone 1:15PM, cell phone (DeDe called my cell around noon to let me know & LM, I called CPS visitation to confirm, DeDe called me back again) Sandy w/ visitation called with Baby R on phone (speaker phone this time, not as nice as when he holds the phone) He sounded well, no coughing this time;)
03-04-09 spoke w/ appellate attorney at length about appeal (see notes)
03-05-09 received notice from State Adoptions that I will have my FOIA request granted by 03-20-09
03-08-09 received via letter, closure of our relative placement application from CPS in Del Norte; stating that child will remain in current placement DATED 02-18-09
03-09-09 receive letter via certified mail from Gary Blatnick that they have NO records on me or Pat; their response to my FOIA request (????) DATED 03-02-09
03-10-09 appellate attorney LM for me on cell
03-11-09 spoke w/ Mr. Cochran - appeal and visits
03-12-09 sent revocation for UCDavis/Carmichael health releases (HIPAA) via certified mail (k)
03-12-09 received by mail the two certified copies of Baby R's birth certificates; just in case things go badly;(
03-12-09 LM for appellate attorney
03-12-09 got appellate attorney name from Melissa for TPR appeal (D.H.)
03-13-09 spoke w/ appellate attorney again
03-16-09 sent State Grievance for Sutie W. to State Adoptions via certified mail (k)
03-18-09 CPS has scheduled the "exit" visit for bioparents, for 1 hour even though they are appealing TPR (?)
03-18-09 Both Biological parents had their ONE HOUR Exit Visit at CPS. Melissa turned in a request for an appeal hearing for the revocation of her visits with Baby R to CPS in person.
03-18-08 I faxed a request for a schedule for phone visits and in person visits to DeDe Ward at 9AM, gave new cell number (switch from AT&T)
03-18-09 I had an awesome phone visit with Baby R;)
03--09 received via mail FOIA requested documents from State Adoptions; included was only information that I had given to them, photos, CD's
03--09 Cynthia McDowell called me re: the State Grievance, I mailed her a copy, she had also spoken to Baby R's attorney, she was aware of the appeal filed on Baby R's behalf
03-20-09 received letter from Office for Civil Rights, Region IX (was given OCR Reference number and notice that initial review is in process)
03--09 received email of interest from (a popular tv show!!) via Lisa

April 2009
04-1-09 received a response from State Adoptions re: State Greivance for Sutie W., with a case manager's name and date to be available for more information by phone
04-1-09 received letter from Dave Cogdill, Senator, 14th District
04-23-09 Ms. A. L. (appointed Grievance Review Officer) will review my grievance and may call between 8 AM - noon

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