Thursday, April 16, 2009

A place to register if you want to find family.

It amazes me what you can find on the internet;) Today while doing one of my 20 minute power searches, I found a superb site! For those of you adoptees and birth families there is a FREE registration site that you can visit.

Once you register, you continue to keep your contact information updated, and you STAY registered until there is a match and OR you want to be removed from the registry.

They don't search for you but will notify you if someone is also looking for you. I didn't register...............YET, but it definitely is something to look into.

What about the children adopted that move away? What about the child who needs a bone marrow donor and the birth family would be a GREAT place to start looking? What about those forced adoptions? {yes I am talking about CPS (aka DHS)} Or what about the adoptions where the birth mother was a minor and the parents forced the adoption?

I guess there are SO many good reasons to look for birth family members that I couldn't list them all. AND no this is NOT to interrupt the adoptee's life or the adopter's.
YOU HAVE TO REGISTER TO BE FOUND! THAT IS WHAT I FIND SO WONDERFUL!! HIDING BIRTH PARENTS DON'T HAVE TO BE FOUND OR REGISTER. ADOPTEES DON'T HAVE TO REGISTER EITHER;) In my eyes it is a great way to let either party know that you want to be found, IF they want to find you, then there will be a match and you will be contacted. EASY as that;)
Just copy and paste the above link to visit the site and get the information for yourself.
In our specific case, I would rather be registered for IF and when he wanted to find us. My nephew would have to ALSO register (and be 18 or the adopters could search). THEN we would have a match and be contacted. I think it was a great idea;)

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